
Marius Petipa

    I introduce Marius Petipa.  He was a choreographer.  Choreographer is a person who arrange how dancers should move during a performance. 
    He was born in France, but he emigrated to Russia.  Then he choreographed "The Pharaoh's Daughter".  This work was his first ballet as a choreographer.  He chroeographes about fifty works which became famous and many dancers dance even now.  The works are, for exampe, "Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker", and "Sleeping Beauty".  Through these works, he completed classical ballet style.  One of classical ballet styles he completed is "pas de deux".  In addition, he inserted folk dance that does not related story before pas de deux that is climax.  That is why he is called "The Father of Ballet".


La Bayadere

      I introduce about "La Bayadere".  First, I explain about this story.
In acient India, temple dancer, Nikiya and soilder, Solor fall in love each other but Rajah orders Solor to marry Gamzatti who is Rajah's daughter.  That is why  Solor agree to marry Gamzatti.  When Rajah knows about relationship of Nikiya and Solor, Rajah attempts to kill Nikiya.  Gamzatti asks Nikiya to give up Solor but Nikiya refuses.  Then Nikiya attempts to kill Gamzatti.  At the marriage of Solor and Gamzatti, Nikiya is command to dance.  Gamzatti presents Nikiya with a basket of flowers which Nikiya believe to be from Solor.  However the basket conseals a deadly snake, so Nikiya is bitten and...
        I recommend to watch act3 especially because it is very beatiful.  If you watch act3 and want to know the whole story, I would like you to watch this ballet!



 I explain about tutu.  This is costume female ballet dancer usually wear.  At first female dancer’s costume was only romantic tutu that has long skirt.  However, if costume was all romantic tutu, it would be difficult for dancers to dance. 
This is because classical tutu was made.  Dancers can show big movement by classical tutu.  Now, both are used depending on the choreography.  In addition, tutu has many kinds of color and design.  Depending on the design, if two tutu are same color, they seem to be different tutu.  Not only choreography but also costume is important for ballet.  I would like you to look at costume when you watch ballet.




              I introduce about Cinderella.  The story is almost same one that you know but there are some difference.  Cinderella is a ballet dancer and mother-in-law and her sisters-in-law are also ballet dancer.  However sisters are not good at ballet, so they envy Cinderella because she has great talent as a ballet dancer.  One day, a ball is given in order that star dancer find his partner.  Her mother and sisters go to the ball but she cannot go there.  Then, a fairy shows up and she give dress, toe shoes, and tiara to Cinderella and let her go to a ball.  However there is a condition.  That is to come back by twelve.  In a ball, star dancer dance with Cinderella but she has to go home.  Then, one toe shoes is left.  That is why star dancer goes to Ballet Company around the world to find someone who has the toe shoes…

              The performance that I watched in DVD is very funny.  That is because male ballet dancers play the part of mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.  I would like to this ballet and you can watch different kind of ballet by this performance!


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

              Today I’d like to talk about Tchaikovsky.  He was one of famous composers in the world.  He composed the music of “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, and “Nutcracker”.  These ballet were called “three major ballet”.  I think you know these ballet and you have ever listened to the music.  Then, I start to explain about Tchaikovsky.

              Tchaikovsky was born in Russia.  He composed various kind of music, for example, symphony, piano concerto, and ballet music.  When he was 37 years old, he composed the first ballet music, “Swan Lake”.  Unfortunately, reputation was not good.  However, after his death, “Swan Lake” became famous by revised choreography of Petipa who was choreographer in Russia.   He could express music with his characteristic.  In addition, his music is as beautiful as dancer.  That is why many people are fascinated by his music even now.  If you have never listened to his music, I want you to listen to his music!


Toe Shoes

              Today, I explain about toe shoes.  Most female classical ballet dancer wear toe shoes when they dance.  By wearing toe shoes and dancing, women seem to move lightly and fantastically.  However, toe shoes are very hard, so dancing with wearing toe shoes is difficult.  We have to take standard lessons for several years to stand on tiptoe with toe shoes because our bone might transform.  In addition, toe shoes have many kinds.  Hardness and width are different.  That is why dancers have to choose one that fit them.  They have difficulty finding toe shoes with a perfect fit, so they customize their toe shoes.
              For children who learn ballet, wearing toe shoes is admiration but ballet dancers have difficulty, for example, pains and maintenance of their toe shoes.  Now toe shoes are symbol of ballet and toe shoes give off female ballet dancers’ beauty.


Don Quixote

              I introduce “Don Quixote”.  I explained the story of act1, so I explain whole story this time.  However, I explained about act1 before, so I explain from act2.  Act2 begin in a bar.  Kitri and Basilio run away and Don Quixote keeps up with them.  Then Kitri’s father comes and Basilio tries to commit a suicide.  Don Quixote see that and he asks Kitri’s father to allow that Kitri goes out with Basilio.  And then Don Quixote continues traveling and he goes to camping of the Gypsy.  He runs toward windmill which he thought evil and he loses mind.  Then, in his dream he watch that princess Dulcinea, Queen of Forest, and Cupid dance.  After that Kitri and Basilio get married and Don Quixote starts traveling again.
              The scene I recommend to watch is in the forest.  It is very beautiful.  This story is in Spain, so it is passionate and Cheerful.  When I watch this ballet, I get energetic.  Why don’t you watch this ballet when you feel down?


Romeo and Juliet

 I introduce "Romeo and Juliet".  This story was written by Shakespeare, so this is very famous and you know this story.  As you know, this story is that Romeo and Juliet fall in love each other but their families fight each other.  That is why their association is strongly opposed.  Then they decide to run away from their family but this plan doesn't go well and they die.  Because of this the two families reconcile.

       This story is not happy ending but this is very moving story.  I think this story shows that love changes people’s mind.  In the end, Romeo and Juliet die but their families make up, and they are bound together in the next world and they become happy.  Most wonderful scene is that they dance in balcony and last scene.  This work is staged in some genre like opera or musical but I recommend to watch this work of ballet.


The Flames of Paris

I introduce "The Flames of Paris".  This story is France under the Louis ⅩⅣ reign.  Main characters are Jerome and Jeanne who are brother and sister.  At first, Jeanne falls in love with Philip who is a voluntary soilder.  Then nobles who is a devil of fellow come and Jeanne is tried to pick up by them, but her brother, Jerome help her.  However, because of his help, he is imprisoned.  Fortunately, Adeline who knows everything free him.  Then Jerome and Jeanne join voluntary army because they cannot stay.  After that, voluntary army go to La Bastille prison and attack the prison.  This revolution is success though there are much sacrifice.  Jeanne and Philip marry and people start a new life.

Pas de deux which is dance at success of revolution is very cool.  This pas de deux is often staged at gala concert, so I also recommend to watch only pas de deux.


Grand Pas Classique

      This ballet is not story.  Choreographer who is from Russia choose four pieces from "Marco Spada" and choreographed as pas de deux newly.  "Marco Spada" is one of stories of opera.    This ballet is often staged at ballet concert.  Moreover variations of this ballet are chosen as set piece of ballet contest.
       I explane about "pas de deux".  "pas de deux" is danced by man and woman. First, man and woman dance together.  This is called "Adage".  Second, man dances only.  This is called "variation". Third, woman dances only.  This is also called "variation ". Finally, man and woman dance together again.  This is called "Coda".
       I like variation of woman of this ballet especially because it is difficult to dance this ballet but choreography is very beautiful.  This is not so famouse but I recommend to watch this ballet!


The Firebird

     I introduce "The Firebird".  This is based on a Russian folktale.  The firebird tries to pluck golden apples from the magic tree in the enchanted garden of the Immortal Kostchei.  Then, Ivan Tsarevich who pursued firebird appears and seizes her.  She gives him her feather and she flies off.  Theirteen maidens who are bound by Kostchei's spell come out from Kostchei's castle.  Tsarevna who is one of maidens and Ivan fall in love.  When it is dawn, maidens must return to the castle.  Then, the crowd of weird figures rush from the castle and they seize Ivan.  Kostchei tries to turn him to stone but he waves feather which got from firebird.  Then, firebird reappears and she let Kostchei and the crowd of weird figures sleep.  She tells Ivan that there is a big egg which contains Kostchei's soul.  Ivan throw it to the ground and Kostchei dies and his spell is broken.  The maidens are resorted to human form.  Finally, Ivan and Tsarevna are married.
    This story is not so famous but I like this ballet.  I like music of this ballet especially.  Moreover I think this story is easy to understand, so I recommend to watch.


Sleep Beauty

     Today I introduce "Sleeping Beauty".  This story is famous because of Desney movie ,so you know this story. As you know, this story is that princess Aurora falls asleep because of  Carabosse's curse.  However, there are some differences between movie and ballet.  The story is the same until Aurura falls asleep but prince Desire appears 100 years later after she falls asleep.  Fairy meet him and then the fairy take him to castle where Aurora are sleeping.  He fights with Carabosse and he win ,so he can wake Aurora up by kiss.  In the end , Desire and Aurora marry and the royal wedding is underway.  Fairytale characters including princess Florina and the Bluebirds Puss in Boots and The White Cat in attendance and celebrate their marriage.
      I like pas de deux of Aurora and Desire at act 3.  It is so beautiful.  I think you know a part of music ,so you enjoy watching this ballet.  I recommend watching this once.


The Sea and Pearls

     I talk about pas de trois of "The Sea and Pearls.  Pas de trois is danced in a man and two women.  This ballet is a part of "The Hump-back Horse" which is one of ballet works.  Also, the pas de trois is a part of scene that chief character Ivan goes to the bottom of the sea in "The Hump-back Horse".  However, the pas de trois is not almost related to the story of "The Hump-back Horse".  Today, only the pas de trois is often danced at gala concert.
     When I watched this pas de trois, I think it is so beautiful.  I like variation of pearls in particular.  Two women's conbination is wonderful.  Also, they wear white short dress, so they are cute.  In short, this variation is beautiful and cute.  It is not so famous but I recommend that you watch it.


Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux

     Today, I introduce "Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux".  This is not pas de deux of any ballet works.  This is composed by Tchaikovsky to use for pas de deux of black swan of "Swan Lake" but it was unpopularity.  This is why Tchaikovsky did not announce this music.  Later, Balanchine choreographed current pas de deux using this music.  The pas de deux are often dance at gala concert.  Because this music is bright music, I was surprised when I knew that it is composed for pas de deux for black swan.  This pas de deux does not have line of story, so I think you enjoy classical ballet without thinking about some stories.  A woman dancer does not wear tutu but dress, so she is cute. Also this work is so beautiful.  I like woman's variation the best in this pas de deux and I like both music and dance.  Once I watch this variation, I want to watch it many times.


Le Corsaire

         I introduce "La Corsaire".  This Japanese tittle is "Kaizoku".  The story's stage is the beach of the Mediterranean Sea.  The ship with three pirates is wrecked because of storm and they are launched by the sea.  Then, they see Greek daughter Medora and her friend who are beautiful slave girls.  They save three pirates, Conrad, his friend and his tadaomi Ari.  The pirates watch the situation that slave girls are bought and sold, so the pirates manage to save slave girls.  Conrad and medora fall in love each other and they dance in a cave.  However, slave traders let Conrad sleep in order to take revenge and they take Medora and the other slave girls away.  In flower garden of the Turkish governor-general, slave girls are dancing.  Then, pirates show up and take Medora and slave girls away and escape by a ship.  The ship sinks because of storm but only Medora and Conrad are saved miraculously.
   The scene of flower garden of act3 is so beautiful.  I think this scene is like another world in this ballet.  There is pas de deux of Medora, Conrad, and Ari at act2 and this pas de deux is famous, so it is often danced at gala concert. I had danced the pas de deux once before although the choreographers are different, so I like this pas de deux very much.  This ballet is unfamiliar story but I want you to watch it .


Diana and Acteon

     I watched pas de deux of Diana and Acteon.  This pas de deux is inserted in "Esmeralde" which is one of ballet works.  Also, the pas de deux is not related to story of " Esmeralde".  The pas de deux is a story of bright ruin of the Acteon that peeped at bathing of goddess Diana.  This original story is Greek myth.  This work is often danced at the gala concert.  This is why this work is famous in ballet world.
    I like this pas de deux and I like variation of Diana in particular.  Person of the part of Diana often wears red short dress and has bow, so I think she is so cute and cool.  Also, I like this dance's music.  I always think I want to dance the variation someday when I watch this pas de deux and once I watch this pas de deux, I want to watch it repeatedly.



     I watched "Coppelia" last weekend.  This is a comical story.  Mechanism doll, Coppelia which coppelius who is treated like headbanger made read a book at porch of the second floor in his house.  Villagers don't know Copplia is doll. They think she is a human.  Seanhilde and Franz are couple but he concerns about Coppelia, so Swanhilde is jealous of Franz.  Then, Swanhilde and Franz quarrel.  One day, when Coppelius goes out, he has dropped his key, so Swanhilde and her friends invade his house out of curiousity.  There are various dolls in the house, so it is weird.  Then, they are found by Coppelius but only Swanhilde can hide without his notice.  Moreover, Franz also invades the house because he want to see Coppelia.  When he is found by Coppelius, Franz are made to drunk wine with a sleeping drug.  Swanhilde who has watched it pretends Coppelia and she goes into mischief.  When Franz wake up, he notices that Coppelia is doll, so Swanhilde and Franz are reconciled.  In the end, they get married.
    I like the scene Swanhilde pretends Coppelia.  I think this scene is funny.  I do not think you know this ballet but it is my recommendation.



   I watched "Giselle" last Saturday.  The story is tragedy but splendid love story.  Giselle is a village daugther.  She is always smiling and likes dancing but she has a weak heart.  Albrecht who covers the social position that is a noble has fallen in love with her.  She also loves him.  However, Hilarion, a gamekeeper is also in love with her.  This is because he reveals Albrecht's identity.  Then, she is confused, so Hilarion soothe her.  However, she falls into a panic and she dies.  Graveyard of the bank of the marsh of the forest is a place where the Wilis, the spilit of women jilited by their loves at the alter get together.  Giselle becomes a member of the Wilis.  Wilis let people who stray into the forest and men who betray Wilis dance until they die.  When Hilarion comes there to ask permission of Gisele, Wilis chase him and he dies.  Then, Albrecht visit Gisele's grave and he meet Gisele, who became a Wili again.  Myrtha, queen of Wilis tries to kill Albrecht by dancing. However, Gisele pray for his life to Myrtha.  Then, it is morning and Wilis come back to their own grave. This is why Albrecht' s life was saved.  Also, Gisele says good-bye to Albrecht and she disappears.
   When I watched it for the first time, I thought it was fearful story but I think it is a splendid story now.  I like act2 because Wilis' dance is so beautiful.  Also Gisele is a so cute girl at act1 but she is a beautiful woman at act2, so I like her.  I think you don't know this ballet but I would like you to watch it !!



  I watched Nutcracker the day before yesterday. The story is very fantasy. On December 24th, Christmas party is held in The Stahlbaum home. Then, Clara was presented nutcracker by Drosselmeyer. But her brother, Fritz breaks the nutcracker, so Drosselmeyer repairs it for her. After the party finished and everyone went to bed, Clara goes to a hall because she worries about nutcracker. The time of midnight, she becomes as large as nutcracker. Then, mice led by the mouse king begin to fill the room and soldier whom nutcracker commands fight with the mice. Nutcracker and mouse king fight. Then, when Clara throws slippers, and the mice run away. After that, Clara looks at nutcracker, he became a prince. He invites her to a kingdom of  the cake and he takes her there. They go along the pine wood where snow flies. When they get to the kingdom, spirits of the cake hold a party of welcome for Clara. She enjoys it. When she wakes up in the morning, she is in front of Christmas tree. She had a dream!
  I like this story and music, so I enjoyed watching it. In particular, I like Pas de deux of Sugar Plum Fairy and prince because the pas de deux is very beautiful. I would like you to watch "nutcracker" because there are some music you have listened to.


Ballet Performance

Ballet Performance
   I went to Biwako hall to watch Ballet school Ballet Performance last Sunday. I used to be learn ballet at the ballet school for about fourteen years until last year ,so I felt nostalgic when I watched it.
   First, I watched a program children who debuted as ballerina danced. They are kindergarteners ,so their performance was not perfect but they were very cute. Also I watched a program students who debuted the performance with toe shoes danced and some programs which students danced in some groups. Each program was so great.
   Second, I watched a program of a story. The story was "Chinderera". In the program, all students appeared on stage. They had one role each other. The program is wonderful and I enjoyed watching it.
   Finally, I watched five pas de deux and some varietions. They were so beautiful. I  danced pas de deux at last year's performance ,so I remembered the time.
   I thought I want to do ballet again then. Also, I could meet my friend and talk with her for the first time in a year. From these things, I am glad that I went to watch the performance.



Swan Lake

Swan Lake
   I watched Swan Lake on DVD yesterday. Swan Lake is one of three major ballet. The Story is as follows. A prince ,Siegfried had a strange dream. The dream is that a beautiful girl was transformed into a swan and she was taken away by a evil sorcerer. In a palace, many people get together to celebrate his attainment of manhood. When he woke up, his mother told him to marry. Then he got melancholy and his home teacher told him to go hunting to a lake. He went to the lake and he met Odette who was transformed into a swan by a evil sorcerer. Then he fell in love with her. She told him that true love is quickly interrupted by the evil sorcerer. He invited her to a dance in his palace ,beacuse he tried to engage to her. However Odile showed up in the palace insead of Odette. In fact Odile was a evil sorcerer's daughter. She disguise herself as Odette and cheated him. This is why he engaged to Odile. Then evil sorcerer showed up and pointed to Odette who was grieving. Siegfried apologized to Odette for his fault and he swore love once more but it was too late. He fighted with evil sorcerer and he won. However Odette remained swan ,so Siegfried and Odette threw themselves to the lake and they were bound together in the future life.
   I feel sorry for Odette and Siegfried. it is sad story but I like it. I like act2 the best because swans' dance is in step and it is so beautiful. Now, the story sometimes ends happily. I haven't watched Swan Lake its story is happy ending yet ,so I want to watch it someday.


Festival of the Ballet

Festival of the Ballet

I watched "Festival of the Ballet" on TV ,which was broadcasted last sunday. There were about five works in the program. I watched two works out of them. The two works were "Don Quixote" and "La Sylphide".
First, I watched "Don Quixote". The story is in Barcelona, Spain. There are a girl, Kitri ,who is a daugher of the innkeeper, a boy, Basilio ,who is a son of the barber shop ,and their friends. Kitri and Basilio are couple but her father wants her to marry Gamache ,who is a rich nobleman ,so her father doesn't allow her to associate with him. Suddenly Don Quixote and Sancho Panza show up. Don Quixote believe Kitri is the beautiful Dulcinea...
this is a story of act1.
I like this work very much but only act1 was played ,so I was a little sad. But it is a wonderful stage. Kitori's variation is so cool and beautiful. This is a passionate story ,so I enjoy watching this work.

Next, I watched Pas de deux from "La Sylphide". The story is Sylphide ,which is fairy of the air and James ,who is a young man. He fall in love with her. The scene of Pas de deux is that they understand each other's feelings. Miyako Yoshida played Sylphide then. I like her dance. In this work, she is very beautiful. To play faily is difficult but she is good at playing fairy ,so she was like real fairy. I think I try to watch all story of this work someday.