

     I watched "Coppelia" last weekend.  This is a comical story.  Mechanism doll, Coppelia which coppelius who is treated like headbanger made read a book at porch of the second floor in his house.  Villagers don't know Copplia is doll. They think she is a human.  Seanhilde and Franz are couple but he concerns about Coppelia, so Swanhilde is jealous of Franz.  Then, Swanhilde and Franz quarrel.  One day, when Coppelius goes out, he has dropped his key, so Swanhilde and her friends invade his house out of curiousity.  There are various dolls in the house, so it is weird.  Then, they are found by Coppelius but only Swanhilde can hide without his notice.  Moreover, Franz also invades the house because he want to see Coppelia.  When he is found by Coppelius, Franz are made to drunk wine with a sleeping drug.  Swanhilde who has watched it pretends Coppelia and she goes into mischief.  When Franz wake up, he notices that Coppelia is doll, so Swanhilde and Franz are reconciled.  In the end, they get married.
    I like the scene Swanhilde pretends Coppelia.  I think this scene is funny.  I do not think you know this ballet but it is my recommendation.

2 件のコメント:

  1. That sounds interesting. I want to watch it.

  2. This is one of my favorite story in ballet:) I have the DVD of Coppelia which K- Ballet performed. I watched this many time with my sister.
