
Le Corsaire

         I introduce "La Corsaire".  This Japanese tittle is "Kaizoku".  The story's stage is the beach of the Mediterranean Sea.  The ship with three pirates is wrecked because of storm and they are launched by the sea.  Then, they see Greek daughter Medora and her friend who are beautiful slave girls.  They save three pirates, Conrad, his friend and his tadaomi Ari.  The pirates watch the situation that slave girls are bought and sold, so the pirates manage to save slave girls.  Conrad and medora fall in love each other and they dance in a cave.  However, slave traders let Conrad sleep in order to take revenge and they take Medora and the other slave girls away.  In flower garden of the Turkish governor-general, slave girls are dancing.  Then, pirates show up and take Medora and slave girls away and escape by a ship.  The ship sinks because of storm but only Medora and Conrad are saved miraculously.
   The scene of flower garden of act3 is so beautiful.  I think this scene is like another world in this ballet.  There is pas de deux of Medora, Conrad, and Ari at act2 and this pas de deux is famous, so it is often danced at gala concert. I had danced the pas de deux once before although the choreographers are different, so I like this pas de deux very much.  This ballet is unfamiliar story but I want you to watch it .


Diana and Acteon

     I watched pas de deux of Diana and Acteon.  This pas de deux is inserted in "Esmeralde" which is one of ballet works.  Also, the pas de deux is not related to story of " Esmeralde".  The pas de deux is a story of bright ruin of the Acteon that peeped at bathing of goddess Diana.  This original story is Greek myth.  This work is often danced at the gala concert.  This is why this work is famous in ballet world.
    I like this pas de deux and I like variation of Diana in particular.  Person of the part of Diana often wears red short dress and has bow, so I think she is so cute and cool.  Also, I like this dance's music.  I always think I want to dance the variation someday when I watch this pas de deux and once I watch this pas de deux, I want to watch it repeatedly.



     I watched "Coppelia" last weekend.  This is a comical story.  Mechanism doll, Coppelia which coppelius who is treated like headbanger made read a book at porch of the second floor in his house.  Villagers don't know Copplia is doll. They think she is a human.  Seanhilde and Franz are couple but he concerns about Coppelia, so Swanhilde is jealous of Franz.  Then, Swanhilde and Franz quarrel.  One day, when Coppelius goes out, he has dropped his key, so Swanhilde and her friends invade his house out of curiousity.  There are various dolls in the house, so it is weird.  Then, they are found by Coppelius but only Swanhilde can hide without his notice.  Moreover, Franz also invades the house because he want to see Coppelia.  When he is found by Coppelius, Franz are made to drunk wine with a sleeping drug.  Swanhilde who has watched it pretends Coppelia and she goes into mischief.  When Franz wake up, he notices that Coppelia is doll, so Swanhilde and Franz are reconciled.  In the end, they get married.
    I like the scene Swanhilde pretends Coppelia.  I think this scene is funny.  I do not think you know this ballet but it is my recommendation.



   I watched "Giselle" last Saturday.  The story is tragedy but splendid love story.  Giselle is a village daugther.  She is always smiling and likes dancing but she has a weak heart.  Albrecht who covers the social position that is a noble has fallen in love with her.  She also loves him.  However, Hilarion, a gamekeeper is also in love with her.  This is because he reveals Albrecht's identity.  Then, she is confused, so Hilarion soothe her.  However, she falls into a panic and she dies.  Graveyard of the bank of the marsh of the forest is a place where the Wilis, the spilit of women jilited by their loves at the alter get together.  Giselle becomes a member of the Wilis.  Wilis let people who stray into the forest and men who betray Wilis dance until they die.  When Hilarion comes there to ask permission of Gisele, Wilis chase him and he dies.  Then, Albrecht visit Gisele's grave and he meet Gisele, who became a Wili again.  Myrtha, queen of Wilis tries to kill Albrecht by dancing. However, Gisele pray for his life to Myrtha.  Then, it is morning and Wilis come back to their own grave. This is why Albrecht' s life was saved.  Also, Gisele says good-bye to Albrecht and she disappears.
   When I watched it for the first time, I thought it was fearful story but I think it is a splendid story now.  I like act2 because Wilis' dance is so beautiful.  Also Gisele is a so cute girl at act1 but she is a beautiful woman at act2, so I like her.  I think you don't know this ballet but I would like you to watch it !!