
Ballet company in Japan

      Today, I show you Japanese famous ballet companies.  There are many Japanese ballet companies and some of them are very famous.  I explain two of some famous ballet companis in Japan.
      First is Tokyo Ballet.  It was founded in 1964.  Some famous Choreographers in the world choreographed some ballet for this ballet company.  Especially, "The Kabuki" has a good reputation in japan and in the world.

       Second is K-Ballet Company.   This Company wasfounded in 1999.  Tetsuya Kumakawa supervises and choreographies.  He is famous ballet dancer in the world and won the first prize at Prix de Lausanne.  This company performnces ballet that is modeled after Royal Ballet in Japan.  This company performed ballet about 50 times a year and the performaces are often broadcasted in TBS.
        Like these two ballet company, there are many great ballet company in japan.


Ballet Company in the world

       I explain about ballet companies in the world.  There are many ballet companies around the world but I show you three famous ballet companies especially.

       First is the Royal Ballet.  It is in Briten.  In the past, Miyako Yoshida, who is Japanese ballet dancer was a member as a principal.

       Second is Mariinsky Ballet.  It is in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  Because Petipa came from Franch to Russia, many works of classical ballet were performanced by this ballet company.  The first stage of "Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker", and "Sleeping Beauty" which were made by Tchaikovsky and Petipa was performed by this ballet company. 
        Third is Paris Opera.  It is in Paris, France.  The ballet company was founded in 1669.  This ballet company is the oldest ballet company in the world.

       Mariinsky Ballet, Paris Opera, and Royal Ballet is called "Three major Ballet Company"


Prix de Lausanne

      I explain about "Prix de Lausanne".  It is competition for young talented dancers, so the age of dancers who can apply for the competition is from 15 to 18.  In addition, dancers who are professional ballet dancers or decide to enter ballet company cannot apply for it.  The competition is held in Lausanne, Swizerland every year.   Participants must take lessons, and that is examined.  The important thing for evaluation is not who is the best dancer but who has talent of success as a professional ballet dancer.  That is different from other competitions.  If a dancer win a prize, he or she can go abroad and enter famous ballet company there.  These days, Japanese young ballet dancers win a prize, so I hope that more Japanese dancers win a prize!


Marius Petipa

    I introduce Marius Petipa.  He was a choreographer.  Choreographer is a person who arrange how dancers should move during a performance. 
    He was born in France, but he emigrated to Russia.  Then he choreographed "The Pharaoh's Daughter".  This work was his first ballet as a choreographer.  He chroeographes about fifty works which became famous and many dancers dance even now.  The works are, for exampe, "Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker", and "Sleeping Beauty".  Through these works, he completed classical ballet style.  One of classical ballet styles he completed is "pas de deux".  In addition, he inserted folk dance that does not related story before pas de deux that is climax.  That is why he is called "The Father of Ballet".


La Bayadere

      I introduce about "La Bayadere".  First, I explain about this story.
In acient India, temple dancer, Nikiya and soilder, Solor fall in love each other but Rajah orders Solor to marry Gamzatti who is Rajah's daughter.  That is why  Solor agree to marry Gamzatti.  When Rajah knows about relationship of Nikiya and Solor, Rajah attempts to kill Nikiya.  Gamzatti asks Nikiya to give up Solor but Nikiya refuses.  Then Nikiya attempts to kill Gamzatti.  At the marriage of Solor and Gamzatti, Nikiya is command to dance.  Gamzatti presents Nikiya with a basket of flowers which Nikiya believe to be from Solor.  However the basket conseals a deadly snake, so Nikiya is bitten and...
        I recommend to watch act3 especially because it is very beatiful.  If you watch act3 and want to know the whole story, I would like you to watch this ballet!



 I explain about tutu.  This is costume female ballet dancer usually wear.  At first female dancer’s costume was only romantic tutu that has long skirt.  However, if costume was all romantic tutu, it would be difficult for dancers to dance. 
This is because classical tutu was made.  Dancers can show big movement by classical tutu.  Now, both are used depending on the choreography.  In addition, tutu has many kinds of color and design.  Depending on the design, if two tutu are same color, they seem to be different tutu.  Not only choreography but also costume is important for ballet.  I would like you to look at costume when you watch ballet.




              I introduce about Cinderella.  The story is almost same one that you know but there are some difference.  Cinderella is a ballet dancer and mother-in-law and her sisters-in-law are also ballet dancer.  However sisters are not good at ballet, so they envy Cinderella because she has great talent as a ballet dancer.  One day, a ball is given in order that star dancer find his partner.  Her mother and sisters go to the ball but she cannot go there.  Then, a fairy shows up and she give dress, toe shoes, and tiara to Cinderella and let her go to a ball.  However there is a condition.  That is to come back by twelve.  In a ball, star dancer dance with Cinderella but she has to go home.  Then, one toe shoes is left.  That is why star dancer goes to Ballet Company around the world to find someone who has the toe shoes…

              The performance that I watched in DVD is very funny.  That is because male ballet dancers play the part of mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.  I would like to this ballet and you can watch different kind of ballet by this performance!